#p <nat>Hebrew<o>king<n>Soloman<b>988<ac>970<d>930<fa>David<c>Jerusalem<info>Soloman was David's son by Bathsheba, who had been the wife of Uriah the Hittite.<ref>1 Kings 1-11; 1 Chron 28-29; 2 Chron 1-9
#p <nat>Hebrew<o>king<n>Nadab<b>955(15)<ac>909<d>908<fa>Jeroboam I<c>Samaria<info>Nadab reigned for two years.<ref>1 Kings 15:25-31
#p <nat>Hebrew<o>king<n>Baasha<ac>908<d>886<c>Tirzah<info>Baasha the son of Ahijah killed Nadab and reigned in his stead. Immediately he killed the whole house of Jeroboam. He reigned 24 years.<ref>1 Kings 15:32-16:7
#p <nat>Hebrew<o>king<n>Elah<b>935(15)<ac>886<d>885 Jun 1(180)<fa>Baasha<c>Tirzah<info>Elah reigned for two years. He was killed by his servant Zimri.<ref>1 Kings 16:8-14
#p <nat>Hebrew<o>king<n>Zimri<ac>885 Jun 1(180)<d>885 Jun 7(180)<c>Tirzah<info>Zimri killed his predecessor Elah and all the males in Elah's family. He reigned only seven days.<ref>1 Kings 16:15-20
#p <nat>Hebrew<o>king<n>Tibni<ac>885 Jun 7(180)<d>880<c>Tirzah<info>Tibni's reign overlaps with that of Omri. He was made king by half of the people following the deaths Elah and then Zimri, but the supporters of Omri prevailed.<ref>1 Kings 16:21-22
#p <nat>Hebrew<o>king<n>Omri<ac>885 Jun 7(180)<d>874<c>Tirzah<mov>879<c>Samaria<info>Omri was the commander of the army when Zimri killed Elah. He was made king by the people in 885 B.C. His reign overlapped with that of Tibni until 880. He was the sole king from 880 to 874 B.C.<ref>1 Kings 16:23-28
#p <nat>Hebrew<o>king<n>Ahaziah<b>905(15)<ac>853<d>852<fa>Ahab<c>Samaria<info>Ahaziah reigned for two years over Israel. There was a king of Judah by the same name who ruled Judah in 841 B.C.<ref>1 Kings 22:51; 2 Kings 1:1-18
#p <nat>Hebrew<o>king<n>Joram<b>900(15)<ac>852<d>841<fa>Ahab<c>Samaria<info>Joram succeeded his brother Ahaziah. He reigned for 12 years. In the last year of his reign, he was recovering in Jezreel from wounds received in battle with Syria. He was killed outside the city by Jehu. The name Joram is a variant of Jehoram, and he is sometimes referred to in the Bible by the latter.<ref>2 Kings 1:17; 2 Kings 3:1-8:29
#p <nat>Hebrew<o>king<n>Jehu<ac>841<d>814<c>Samaria<info>Jehu was annointed king by the prophet Elisha. Jehu killed both Joram, king of Israel, and Ahaziah, king of Judah, in 841 B.C. He then entered the city of Jezreel and had Jezebel the queen killed.<ref>2 Kings 9:1-10:36; 2 Chron 22:7-9
#p <nat>Hebrew<o>king<n>Jehoahaz<ac>814<d>798<fa>Jehu<c>Samaria<info>Jehoahaz reigned for 17 years. There was a later king of Judah by the same name in 609 B.C.<ref>2 Kings 13:1-9
#p <nat>Hebrew<o>king<n>Jeroboam II<ac>782<d>753<fa>Jehoash<c>Samaria<info>Jeroboam II was co-regent with his father Jehoash from 793 to 782 B.C.<ref>2 Kings 14:23-29
#p <nat>Hebrew<o>king<n>Zechariah<b>810(15)<ac>753 Sep(6)<d>752 Mar(6)<fa>Jeroboam II<c>Samaria<info>Zechariah reigned for six months.<ref>2 Kings 15:8-12
#p <nat>Hebrew<o>king<n>Shallum<b>810(15)<ac>752 Mar(6)<d>752 Apr(6)<c>Samaria<info>Shallum son of Jabesh conspired against king Zechariah and killed him. He reigned one month.<ref>2 Kings 15:13-15
#p <nat>Hebrew<o>king<n>Menahem<b>810(15)<ac>752 Apr(6)<d>742<c>Samaria<info>Menahem son of Gadi reigned for 10 years. He paid tribute to Tiglath-Pileser.<ref>2 Kings 15:16-22
#p <nat>Hebrew<o>king<n>Pekahiah<b>780(15)<ac>742<d>740<fa>Menahem<c>Samaria<info>Pekahiah reigned for two years. He was assassinated by his successor Pekah.<ref>2 Kings 15:23-26
#p <nat>Hebrew<o>king<n>Pekah<b>780(15)<ac>740<d>732<c>Gilead<mov>740<c>Samaria<info>Pekah son of Remaliah reigned for 20 years, including a reign of 12 years in Gilead from 752 to 740 B.C. while Menahem and then Pekahiah ruled in Samaria. He assassinated Pekahiah and ruled eight more years in Samaria. He was assassinated by his successor Hosea.<ref>2 Kings 15:27-31; 2 Chron 28:6
#p <nat>Hebrew<o>king<n>Hoshea<b>770(15)<ac>732<d>722<c>Samaria<info>Hoshea son of Elah assassinated his predecessor Pekah and reigned for nine years. He was the last king of the northern kingdom of Israel.<ref>2 Kings 15:30; 2 Kings 17
// Kings of Judah
#p <nat>Hebrew<o>king<n>Rehoboam<b>970(10)<ac>930<d>913<fa>Soloman<c>Jerusalem<info>Rehoboam was 41 years old when he began to reign. He did evil in the eyes of the Lord.<ref>1 Kings 12:1-24; 1 Kings 14:21-31; 2 Chron 10-12
#p <nat>Hebrew<o>king<n>Asa<b>930(5)<ac>910<d>869<fa>Abijah<c>Jerusalem<info>He did what was right in the eyes of the Lord.<ref>1 Kings 15:9-24; 2 Chron 14-16
#p <nat>Hebrew<o>king<n>Jehosaphat<b>907(1)<ac>869<d>848<fa>Asa<c>Jerusalem<info>Jehosaphat was 35 years old when he began to reign; he was co-regent with his father Asa from 872 to 869 B.C. His son Jehoram was co-regent from 853 to 848. He did what was right in the eyes of the Lord.<ref>1 Kings 22:41-50; 2 Chron 17-21:3
#p <nat>Hebrew<o>king<n>Jehoram<b>880(1)<ac>848<d>841 Jan(6)<fa>Jehosaphat<c>Jerusalem<info>Jehoram was 32 years old when he began to reign. He killed all of his brothers when he acceeded. He did evil in the eyes of the Lord.<ref>2 Kings 8:16-24; 2 Chron 21
#p <nat>Hebrew<o>king<n>Ahaziah<b>863(1)<ac>841 Jan(6)<d>841 Dec(6)<fa>Jehoram<mo>Athaliah<c>Jerusalem<info>Ahaziah was 22 years old when he began to reign. He was the youngest son of Jehoram. (There was a king of the Northern Kingdom by the same name from 853 to 852 B.C., during this Ahaziah's youth.) He did evil in the eyes of the Lord.<ref>2 Kings 8:25-29; 2 Kings 9:29; 2 Chron 22:1-9
#p <nat>Hebrew<o>king<n>Joash<b>842(1)<ac>835<d>796<fa>Ahaziah<c>Jerusalem<info>Joash was seven years old when he began to reign. He did what was right in the eyes of the Lord. However, he did not remove the high places.<ref>2 Kings 12; 2 Chron 22:10-24:27
#p <nat>Hebrew<o>king<n>Amaziah<b>821(1)<ac>796<d>767<fa>Joash<c>Jerusalem<info>Amaziah was 25 years old when he began to reign. He did what was right in the eyes of the Lord. However, he did not remove the high places.<ref>2 Kings 14:1-22; 2 Chron 25
#p <nat>Hebrew<o>king<n>Uzziah<aka>Azariah<b>808(1)<ac>767<d>740<fa>Amaziah<c>Jerusalem<info>Uzziah was 16 years old when he began to reign; he was co-regent with his father Amaziah from 792 to 767 B.C. He did what was right in the eyes of the Lord. However, he did not remove the high places.<ref>2 Kings 15:1-7; 2 Chron 26
#p <nat>Hebrew<o>king<n>Jotham<b>775(1)<ac>740<d>735<fa>Uzziah<c>Jerusalem<info>Jotham was 25 years old when he began to reign; he was co-regent with his father Uzziah from 750 to 740 B.C. He did what was right in the eyes of the Lord.<ref>2 Kings 15:32-38; 2 Kings 15:30; 2 Chron 27
#p <nat>Hebrew<o>king<n>Ahaz<b>755(1)<ac>735<d>715<fa>Jotham<c>Jerusalem<info>Ahaz was 20 years old when he began to reign. He did not do what was right in the eyes of the Lord.<ref>2 Kings 16; 2 Chron 28
#p <nat>Hebrew<o>king<n>Hezekiah<b>740(1)<ac>715<d>686<fa>Ahaz<c>Jerusalem<info>Hezekiah was 25 years old when he began to reign. He did what was right in the eyes of the Lord.<ref>2 Kings 18:1-20:21; 2 Chron 29-32
#p <nat>Hebrew<o>king<n>Manasseh<b>709(1)<ac>686<d>642<fa>Hezekiah<c>Jerusalem<info>Manasseh was 12 years old when he began to reign; he was co-regent with his father Hezekiah from 697 to 686 B.C. He did evil in the eyes of the Lord.<ref>2 Kings 21:1-18; 2 Chron 33:1-20
#p <nat>Hebrew<o>king<n>Amon<b>664(1)<ac>642<d>640<fa>Manasseh<c>Jerusalem<info>Amon was 22 years old when he began to reign. He did evil in the eyes of the Lord.<ref>2 Kings 21:19-26; 2 Chron 33:21
#p <nat>Hebrew<o>king<n>Josiah<b>648(1)<ac>640<d>609 May(6)<fa>Amon<c>Jerusalem<info>Josiah was eight years old when he began to reign. He did what was right in the eyes of the Lord. Josiah died at Megiddo.<ref>2 Kings 22:1-23:30; 2 Chron 34-35
#p <nat>Hebrew<o>king<n>Jehoahaz<b>632(1)<ac>609 May(6)<depo>609 Aug(6)<d>570(20)<fa>Josiah<c>Jerusalem<mov>609<c>Egypt<info>Jehoahaz was 23 years old when he began to reign. (There was an earlier king of the Northern Kingdom by the same name from 814 to 798 B.C.) He did evil in the eyes of the Lord. Jehoahaz succeded his father, Josiah, but after three months the Egyptians replaced him with Jehoiakim (another son of Josiah) as a vassal king. Jehoahaz was deported to Egypt.<ref>2 Kings 23:31-35; 2 Chron 36:1-4
#p <nat>Hebrew<o>king<n>Jehoiakim<aka>Eliakim<b>634(1)<ac>609 Aug(6)<d>598 Dec<fa>Josiah<c>Jerusalem<info>Jehoiakim was 25 years old when he began to reign. He did evil in the eyes of the Lord. Jehoiakim was loyal to Egypt until their defeat by Babylon in 605 B.C. Jehoiakim was a vassal of Nebuchadnezzar from 604 to 602 B.C. In 601, he changed his loyalty back to Egypt. In 598, Nebuchadnezzar sent his army to punish Jehoiakim, but Jehoiakim died before the army arrived.<ref>2 Kings 23:34-24:7; 2 Chron 36:4-8
#p <nat>Hebrew<o>king<n>Jehoiachin<b>616(1)<ac>598 Dec<depo>597 Mar 16<d>550(20)<fa>Jehoiakim<c>Jerusalem<mov>597<c>Babylon<info>Jehoiachin was 18 years old when he began to reign. He did evil in the eyes of the Lord. Jehoiachin was taken prisoner to Babylon in 597.<ref>2 Kings 24:8-17; 2 Chron 36:8-10
#e <t>surrender<d>597 Mar 16<n>Jehoiachin surrenders Jerusalem<c>Jerusalem<info>Nebuchadnezzar replaced Jehoiachin after only three months of reign, deported him and 10,000 other leaders from the city to Babylon, looted the city, and placed Zedekiah as a vassal king over Judah.<ref>2 Kings 24:10-16
#p <nat>Hebrew<o>king<n>Zedekiah<aka>Mattaniah<b>618(1)<ac>597 Apr<depo>586<d>570(10)<fa>Josiah<c>Jerusalem<mov>586<c>Babylon<info>Zedekiah was 21 years old when he began to reign. He did evil in the eyes of the Lord. Zedekiah was appointed by Nebuchdnezzar, who changed his name from Mattaniah. After the fall of Jerusalem in 586, Zedekiah was blinded and taken captive to Babylon.<ref>2 Kings 24:18-25:26; 2 Chron 36:10-14
#e <t>uprising<d>588<n>Zedekiah revolts against Babylon<c>Jerusalem<info>Zedekiah was convinced by Egypt to revolt with a coalition of other states (Tyre and Ammon) against Babylon in 588 B.C.